
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy 2014!

Wishing you all our friends, fellow designers, customers and followers a great holidays and a fantastic 2014, full of joy, abundance, health, love and lots of color in your life.

Thanks for a fabulous & fun 2013!

With love
Rosie & Believe Creative Studio Team.

©2013 Believe Creative Studio

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Announcing Believe Creative Studio guest designers - Indigo Feb14

We are very excited to share the names of the 13 fabulous and talented guest designers that are joining  Believe Creative Studio and will contribuite with their fabulous work to the collection that is going to be presented at Indigo-Premiere Vision this next February'14 in Paris.

We received numerous submissions therefore the selection was a though process but we needed to stay true to our studio style and brand identity.

This is a dream team because we will be able to collaborate for few months with great talents, fun people & very kind personalities. 
Is a huge honor and a great responsibility leading this fabulous team:

We want to take this opportunity not only to our guest designers for their trust and enthusiasm, but also we want to thank each designer who submitted their work; please be assured that this not a reflection on your skills as a designers. As studio really important for us to focus in working with the designers that we think, will contribute to a style synergy keeping their own fabulous style & personality while they create with joy & commitment towards a commercial collection.

With love & gratitude to all

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What are we grateful for?

Thanksgiving is a celebration that I really love! While I lived in the U.S. I adopted this celebration.
Because I was living overthere as an expat I had no family around to celebrate the day with; But I was never alone!  
I was very lucky to be surrounded by the love of my friends and their families who celebrated this day. 

I think the meaning of this celebration is just wonderful, having a day to celebrate with our beloved ones and to be thankful for everyone in our lives, all of what we have and what we are.

The definition of gratitude is just beautiful: "Readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness"

Here at home just recently adopted the practice to make each other the question of: What are you grateful for today?
This everyday, right before going to sleep and the answer can be as profound as I am grateful for my life, or I am grateful because my football team won today (words of my husband Vincent who is a big football fan).
And this practice is giving us a great sense of appreciation for big and little things. 

I personally think gratitude is the basis for happiness, simply because as the definition above says you are able to appreciate the moment you are living, the persons around you and the things that you have.

Lately I have been hearing a lot about the benefits of having a gratitude journal where you can everyday list the things that happen in your day and you are grateful for. There is different & meaningful practices, te express gratitude.
Do you have one? what are you grateful for today? 

If I attempt to make a list of  everything I am grateful for , 
I probably won't be able to finish writing in a couple of days and by then probably the list will grow more. So I will focus today in being grateful for  everyone that believes in me, in my work, in my studio and for all of you:
thanks for taking the the time to read this words.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Invitation for Guest Designers !

Hello!! we are excited to announce an open invitation for guest designers to contribute with fabulous work to the Believe Creative Studio Collection we will present in Indigo-Premiere Vision on February 2014 in the beautiful city of Paris.
This will be our 3rd year exhibiting in Paris and our 2nd time opening our studio doors to guest designers. Founded in 2011 in a kitchen table and currently with customers in Japan, Netherlands, UK, France,Spain and Mexico.


  • We understand the challenges that surface pattern designers face in order to participate in such an important trade show; it requires a lot of investment: resources, work and time, therefore we want to create opportunities.
  • As studio we want to offer to our customers a richer collection with a unity on aesthetics & handwritting.


  • We are looking for talented designers who loves designing  for  baby, children and teens products and in this case fashionable textiles and apparel.
  • No matter where you are located we will welcome guest designers regardless their location.
  • We are in search of positive, enthusiastic and fun designers to work with.


  • We will provide briefs, latest trend information (color , graphics and textures) and work together with our guest designers in customer oriented work.
  • We will provide 1 to 1 reviews offering direction, guidance and support until the final step, which is putting a strong collection in front of top buyers from around the world.
  • We provide equal opportunity to all our guest designers therefore we do not promote individuals in their designs, but we do promote everyone in the team trough interviews and diverse social media outlets.
  • We want our guest designers to show own personality and style in their work and we will focus in each designer strengths all aligned to a visual unity.
  • We will select a small team to work with, this will increase selling opportunities per designer.

About the Creative director:
Rosie Martinez-Dekker will be in charge of leading the design team.
With 19 years of a progressive career in the textiles & apparel industry, Rosie is the co-founder of Believe Creative Studio and currently lecturer of the prestigious Amsterdam Fashion Academy.
Rosie  has worked as Textile designer, Art director, Buyer, Merchandiser , Sr.product developer and Materials Manager, in Mexico, U.S. and The Netherlands in textile companies and brands such as Levi's, Nike and G-Star. If you want to learn more check her full profile here

Success histories:
(Names are not disclosed to protect our guest designers privacy & time)

  • One of our guest designers work was part of the trend area of Indigo in 2012.
  •  2 of our guest designers sold for the first time patterns trough Believe Creative Studio representation.
  •  2 of our guest designers has been working with our studio for over a year and seasonally sell to our customers in Japan and The Netherlands.
  • One of the guest designers who produced a collection with our briefs and colour direction went on to have a successful fabric licensing partnership.

    Important to consider:
    • In this as any other business there is no guarantee in sales, but we as a design studio commit to do everything in our power  to provide business & equal opportunities for all.
    • We expect a collection of 20 designs per designer as minimum, we aim on quality over quantity.
    • If you do not sell you will have your work returned to you, and you will be able to add them into your portfolio and to promote them.
    • We welcome designers who already works with another design studio, but please make sure they are on agreement with you, and that you do not violate contract terms with them.

    If you are interested in joining our team please get in touch at talent(at)believe-cs(dot)com and send 3-5 watermarked LOW resolution images with links to your website, blog before 25th of November.
    By November 29th successful candidates will be contacted to set up a Skype conversation and  then we will share directly contract terms.

    Do you want to read a recap of our previous experience working with guest designers?, here you find our blog post. Please be respectful and DO NOT contact guest designers directly, instead please direct your inquiries to us and we will make sure your questions are answered.

    ©Believe creative studio

Monday, November 18, 2013

Make Art That Sells Course- Review

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
One year ago I had the pleasure to see an interview to Lilla Rogers  in Monica's Lee Blog Smart Creative Woman, in that interview Lilla's reveled the news about a course called Make Art that sells that she will launch in partnership with Beth Kempton from Do what you love for life. At that moment I knew I wanted to be in, so I put on hold my exhibiting plans in Indigo Paris in September of this year to fully dedicate to the course.

In the part A of the group I was surprised with the intensity and all the information that Lilla and contributors were sharing with the students. I loved the community that was built around it, everyone was so nice, so supportive and so eager to learn and to became better artist. 

I blocked 5 weeks of my calendar which I spend mostly designing and creating, I was lucky to have the summer as company of this 5 weeks, therefore I went outdoors and sketch and got inspirations for my assignments.

In my first assignment bold fabric I got an artist block... I was so focus wanted to be good that I forgot of creating with fun,I struggled a lot then suddenly I realized I enrolled to this course just to learn and to have fun , so on the following assignments I did.  I explored with techniques and design styles. Since I love to paint I did 3 hand painted assignments, one digital and one collage.

Below is the result of 5 weeks of work in different markets, so far my 2 big favorites were wall art and children's books, because of the freedom I put in the assignments.

Right after the class I started the designs for the Global Talent search contest, which was an intense yet full of reward time.

After few more weeks I was ready to start part B of the course, but at the same time I started to teach as well at Amsterdam Fashion Academy and I had to focus in that aspect of my career therefore I skipped the first 2 assignments but I came back for the last 3 weeks of the course.

My favorite part this time was the last week of the course assignment : party paper.

I have to say I love every part of this course, it was intense full of valuable information, full of experiences and good energy from everyone involved in the course. I believe any learning is a gain but in this case I learned more about my self, how important is to go out of the comfort zone , to stretch myself and try new things, but specially having fun with it. My biggest conclusion is that by doing this course I did things I never knew I could do.... believe me 3 years ago I didn't even knew to work in illustrator, so making a map on it.... would sound like a joke.

I definitely recommend this course to everyone who is interest in learning about different markets on where to commercialize your art, is a very good investment for your personal career and development but if you are going to do it this will be my tips:

1. Book enough time to focus on the course so you can take the best out of it.
2. Have a binder to organize your work, sketches and overall work and process, this will help you to track your own progress and record valuable learning's.
3. Have total fun with it, do only what you love on the way you enjoy the most.
4. Do not  enroll to the course with the full expectation of a direct review to your assignments from Lilla, learn to asses your own work, expecting one person approval to your work is not fair to you or to her.  Believe on your self and ask support to your class mates.
5. Be yourself do not imitate others style and work in the techniques you enjoy the most.

If you are a creative soul with willingness to be out of the shell, and you like challenges, this will be a great course for you! 
I loved it & I am sure you will do too!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

On the way to Paris... we will be presenting in Indigo-PV in February 2014!

We are very excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at Indigo-Premiere Vision , this next February 18-20, 2014 in the magnificent city of Paris!
For 3rd time our studio will be presenting a  fabulous collection of Prints and Patterns for Spring/Summer  2015. 
Indigo is one of the most important surface and textile design shows in the world. With attendance of more than 14,000 visitors from all over the world and buyers from all type of markets, every season Indigo gathers over 150 tops design studios from all over the world to present their collections.

As every time we exhibit , we are super excited and  of course we are already working on the planning of the overall presentation, the creative direction, guest designers invitation  and business development.

Shortly we will open an invitation to consolidate a group of guest designers as part of our studio collection. Is our aim and part of our company ethos to support talent around the world by opening  opportunities for those who dream in having their work in such and important show, putting their creations in front of top brands buyers, working in life briefs based on high end trend forecasting. 

Please stay tuned for more info! and if you want to read more about our previous experience working with fabulous guest designers, see my post from the A/W 13-14 season in September 2012 here  and if you browse on previous post you will see the fabulous interviews with our guest designers back then.

Lots of love!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The winning of losing!

Hello !
The madness of Global Talent Search contest has passed for me, and I didn't make it to the final.
Here you can see the 6 finalist which by the way I want to sincerely congratulate. I am sure everyone did their best, there are a well know artist in the final count, which I admire and that I am sure had worked hard as well. Congratulations to the 6 of them! 

Words of gratitude.
Before going further, I want first to say A HUGE THANKS! to everyone that voted for me,  every single person that took the time to help me and to support me with spreading the word asking for votes,  good wishes, kind words and even prayers, people who do not even know me personally that supported me, also to my family, friends, fellow designers, fellow artists, my high school and university class mates, the Amsterdam small business network, the Mexican and Latin groups in The Netherlands . 
I am full of love and gratitude with each person; so honestly with that much good vibes I got this past weeks, there is no room for feelings of sadness.
I am putting my creative mind to work because I want to create a gratitude chain and to give something back to you, please stay tuned!

When I found out...
Yesterday 10th of September I was giving full day lectures at the Fashion Amsterdam Academy.
During the day we had different activities including a presentation, one of my students had problems to prepare a physical mood board and he was very nervous, so I gave him some advice of how and what to do, his presentation was fantastic, everybody got impressed and he said " well I actually had nothing to present, but the teacher told me to calm down, breath and suggested me to do it in this way", and that moment made me feel so happy and blessed, that prepared me of what was about to follow.

When I found out by mobile notifications I didn't made it to to the final, I was in a classroom with students around, so I had to control my dramatic personality and actually show no emotion... the show must go on!
During my ride in the train to home I sat there and disappointment and sadness wanted to hit me, then I found an e.mail from a wonderful fellow designer : Annette Plummer and her words touched me in a way that made me realized  how lucky I was of being surrounded of people that believe in me. Thanks Annette!

After that,I got home & I had wonderful dinner with my lovely and supportive husband: Vincent,I actually got to finally relax, went to bed and this morning there was no sign of disappointment !!!, I am full of energy, eagerness, determination,and positivity to move on and keep following my dreams with all I got!

My next steps:
I am working in different business projects right now, preparing my lectures, getting back into my painting course, preparing for receiving family from Mexico and getting ready to go back for the last module of the Make Art that sells class. 

I am back on track with my own dreams and goals:
To have my own representation agency/design studio and a future product line.
I have all the intention exhibit in Indigo -Paris in February 2014 and tentatively in Surtex NY.
So there is a bright future for Rosie Martinez-Dekker and Believe creative studio. 

Some learning's of this contest experience I want to share:
1. Do what you actually love to do and do it at your best, create and enter pieces that you absolutely love, so no matter what ,you will be always satisfied of your own result.
2. Ask for help if you need and want support, there is always kind souls willing to help. Make sure you show sincere and honest gratitude.
3. Do your best and expect the best with the mind set that a contest is a contest where will be only 1 winner ... meaning one happy person.
4. Sometimes losing is actually winning ... you never know what is around the corner so Be ready and prepared.
5. Be happy... a contest is something to do for fun losing or winning, life goes on.
6. Your talent is yours... no contest will remove that from you.

 "Everything happens for a reason" and I am positive that the plans that life have for me next will be fabulous!

My gratitude & love

©2013 Believe creative studio

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Your vote can make the difference, Make it count!!

It has been a very exciting journey with the voting process for the Global Talent Search contest!
Few days of voting campaign has given me so much.
I am a person who loves to help others, love to support and to give, but when  I need help  and support I have difficulty asking  for it, which honestly have to do a  with ego.
But on the other hand I am definitely a "go get it " kind of girl. I do my best and everything that is on my power to achieve my dreams off.
So although asking for support and help feels awkward ,I do realize that an attitude of "I am too cool to ask for votes"  will only give me the feeling that I didn't gave it all.

During this journey I have learned so much:
1. Is OK to ask for help when we really want something.
2. I am surrounded by  kind and enthusiastic family and friends... I am a very lucky person!
3. There is so many kind persons in the world that even with out not even knowing me personally are willing to support my dream... how cool is that?

On September 9th voting will be closed and on September the 10th the 6 lucky finalist will be announced. At this point I am almost 200 votes behind from the person in first place, and of course I am still not giving up! 

If you haven't vote yet, you can still vote, you can make the difference!

1. Click on the link , add your e.mail address and vote button
2. You will receive an e.mail with a link to confirm your vote ( only by doing this your vote will be valid)
If you do not receive the e.mail in your inbox, please check in your spam folder
3. Please help me to spread the word so I can get some more votes.
4. Visit the complete gallery ... there is fabulous pieces, designed by super talented people

Do you want to see the creative process of my Fresh and Fabulous" tote bag? Below you can access to:Part One
Part Two

Many thanks for your love, support and kindness!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Global Talent search -Farmers Market Tote bag part2

Hello, welcome to the second part of the behind the scenes of my submission for the Global Talent Search contest. 
Here you can check the part 1 of my post about the creative process, inspiration and painting media.

In this post you will see the texture process which I added to create the illusion of raw hemp fabric, since I though that if I wanted to produce this Tote bag I will prefer doing it in recycled polyester material to create a more resistant & sustainable tote bag and with the possibility of keeping all the hand painted details  of the illustration.

In the image below you can see how the texture was created with colored pencils and carbon pencil, vertical and horizontal lines helped to get the woven effect of the raw hemp fabric. In this stage the my beautiful autumn girl, didn't had a face, this was the very last stage & one of the most important parts of the whole illustration.

©2013 Believe creative studio 

In the image below you can see the tiny detail of the facial expression, the pen there is a 0.1 pen! This for me was the biggest challenge in the process because a little mistake could actually ruin the whole illustration. 
I practiced aside the eyes ,pinky cheeks and heart mouth I usually draw and part of the facial features for my characters. 
I wanted to create a warm ,ethereal expression suitable of the delicacy of her body language. At the end she is a ballerina dancing ballet over a tiny mushroom with a tree in her head.

©2013 Believe creative studio 
This is the picture of when I put pencils, brushes and pens down, the image was finalized and the next step was to move from the drawing table to the computer I planned to add the typography in Adobe Illustrator because I wanted a better definition on the hand written lettering I was going for.

©2013 Believe creative studio 

This is the final image which I used for the assignement:

©2013 Believe creative studio 

I had already hand sketched the lettering I was going for along the phrase I wanted to use. For me the first thing that came to my mind when I thought in a farmers market was "fresh" not only thinking about the products sold there but also the freshness of an open environment, the people relaxed around and even the music I was hearing in my inspiration story thatI had in mind since I started to work in this piece. The whole scene was playing in my head for over 2 weeks until I saw it in the reality of the illustration.
©2013 Believe creative studio 

I wanted to create a coordinate for the illustration that I could use for the tote bag handles, sides, bottom and interior trimming. Since part of my inspiration was the Mexican market I created lines with the brightest colors of the main illustration with a stripes pattern in reference of a Mexican "sarape" fabric.

©2013 Believe creative studio 

I wanted to play with a 3D mock up and I came with the idea to play with a miniature one. So I created the pattern of the tote bag , I printed it and constructed the mock up, then the fun started, I needed to find little nature that simulate what you can get in the market.  Once you start observing you can find the smallest flowers and plants you can imagine with perfect shapes and colors.

©2013 Believe creative studio 

I made 2 sizes of the mock up a tiny one and a super tiny, I just wanted to play around, in the image below you can see them compared with a normal size pen so you can get the complete idea of the scale.
©2013 Believe creative studio
©2013 Believe creative studio

©2013 Believe creative studio 

I added a illustrated image/logo of my self and I submitted my final piece. 
I can not express how much I enjoyed creating this piece, every part of the process was totally me, what I love to do, the way I love to create, and they way I would like not only to create an art piece but also how to incorporate this illustration to a real product, the materials I would use and even what I would like to put in it.

I put lots of work time & effort , lots of love & hope . I did my best and everything that was on my hands to make this piece stand out. Now I leave to faith.

©2013 Believe creative studio   CLICK THE IMAGE TO ZOOM
On September 3rd  the public gallery will be open for public voting, 5 designers will be selected by the jury and 1 more will be selected by the public voted.  The 6 semifinalist will be announced on September 10. Here you can find the schedule.
I am sure you will enjoy the fantastic pieces created for this assignments, there is too much talent around!
I just want to wish the other 49 participants lots of luck because I believe all of us are putting our heart and souls in this contest. 
Stay tuned!, I hope you enjoy the Global Talent search extravaganza in this upcoming days and of course if you like my illustration, I will certainly appreciate your votes and your help to get more of them so I can pass to the final!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Global Talent search -Farmers Market Tote bag part1

Hello! There has been too much going on lately in my studio, exciting projects, new customers and the great news: I have the honor to be part of the Amsterdam fashion Academy as a lecturer of the Fashion Business (BA) and Fashion foundation program, of course later on I will share more about this magnificent adventure I am about to start.

But before I wanted to share some visuals of my entry for the second round of the Global Talent search contest organized by Lilla's Roger studio
This piece is a design for a Farmer's market tote bag with Autumn as a Theme. 
As soon as I read the brief I immediately though in the days I lived in Portland,Or in the U.S. I actually arrived there in a September, so autumn was in the full splendor; and quite different of my autumns in Mexico City that had a total different charm.
Lavender, orange red and gold leaves, pumpkins were my main focus. A Farmers market in the U.S. is quite different form the markets in Mexico,which are quite typical of my home country.Imagine this: all the fabric roofs from the booths are bright pink, so is already a color fest a mix of bright and fresh fruit, vegetables & flowers. 
I grew up attending on Sundays with my parents to the market, you can find everything you want from a carrot to a cactus, herbs ,spices, all kind of chili and every now and then even the local "witch" selling candles and spells... Next to the quesadillas booth and with salsa music on the background! It was definitely a magic time! And this "fusion" is reflected in my piece.

I hand painted this piece with gouache, ink and colored pencils. Although my original base was a piece of a craft paper, I made some trials and decided to go for cotton paper in the color of craft paper since I wanted to play with textures to imitate hemp fabric, quite in sync with the natural focus of a farmers market.

Initial sketches, layout and color palette in progress          ©Believe Creative Studio
Different surfaces tryouts: Craft Paper, Actual whicker, Cotton paper, Recycled craft    ©Believe Creative Studio 

Final Layout                       ©Believe Creative Studio All rights reserved.

Adding color and putting life      ©Believe Creative Studio 

Let's play with contrasting blue and purple!             ©Believe Creative Studio 

Here you can see the real scale of the elements in the piece : TINY!                          ©Believe Creative Studio 

In the second part I will be sharing the final piece, coordinate and the cute 3D mini mock up I created with real mini nature, which by the way got lots of compliments!
Love XX

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I am a semifinalist of the Global Talent search! YAY!

I am beyond happy, grateful  and thrilled about seeing my design as part of the 50 semifinalist of the 2013 Global Talent Search  from Lilla Rogers in collaboration with Paperchase.

There has been so much excitement and joy since I learn I was in the super expected list of 50 artist selected to go to the next round.

An overview about the contest ,which has been described by Tara Reed from the blog as the "Amercian Idols for art"

  • Number of entries: over 1500
  • Countries of entry: over 30
  • Assignment: Create a Journal cover with the theme "Playground"
  • Prize: 2 years representation from Lilla Rogers studio, one of the most renewed Illustration and design studios in the world based in Boston, US.

The assignment:
During my creative process I followed my intuition of doing  what I loved the most and hand painted my piece, following some of the fabulous learnings from the Bloom true e-course from Flora Bowley & Make Art that sells e-course from Lilla Rogers.
I immediately went to play with wind, trees and curly hair. I spend around 2 weeks in designing my piece, the sketching process was quite short the part that take more time was to hand painted the design, details in the original design are sooo tiny but I enjoyed the process a lot. If you want to see more about it please visit the behind the scenes post.

The news!
On the morning of 1st of august I woke up and gave a facebook browse & I even commented on Lilla's status about how exciting should be for her to be ready to announce the winner I even said " You must feel like Santa before the Christmas eve"
After a walk with my doggies and just ready to have breakfast I saw my phone going nuts with congratulation messages... ehhh?? didn't understand right away since I was expecting the results later on that day. 
As the big cryer  I am, I started to cry literally out loud of emotion, then ... when I checked the messages and the link from my phone I felt like a cold bucket of water in my body... my name was above the image of someone else's artwork... then I started to cry even louder..."They made a mistake " I thought. Took me a little to put my self together...  I cleaned my tears  went to the garden out, breath and stay there for a little while and between flowers & butterflies, one of my most important words came to my mind: BELIEVE !!
I went right away to my studio, in the 3rd floor of our home, open the link right in my computer monitor and yes!!!... my name and artwork was right there in the 50 selected! 
The mean phone display play me a mean trick! 

Of course crying again I called my husband at work to share the news, then I did the happy dance to my dogs and I celebrated with a mariachi scream AYAYAYAAAAA!

I can not be more grateful with all my fellow designers, friends and family words of support and love.

The next steps:
I am going to the second round, I already started working on the second assignment, this time we are designing a Tote bag for a farmers market , the Theme is fall. Out of the 50 only 6 artists will be selected to the next round, and of course I would love to be one of them. 5 artists will be selected by the judging panel and one more will be chosen by the public votes, on september 10th the 6 finalist will be selected and pass to the next round for a 3rd assignement. The winner will be announced on October 3rd!
Here the official schedule

Please wish me luck during the process and to the next round.
Lots of love

Do not miss the opportunity to see the fabulous work of the other 49 artists selected, you will see gorgeous work, diverse techniques and interpretations of the theme, is a candy for your eyes, and want to take the opportunity to wish each of them luck and to say is an honor to be listed next to such amazing & talented people.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Your Life is to be celebrated!

Today is a celebration day to me, since I am celebrating the life and the friendship of my dear friend and soul brother Antonio (RIP)  who departure last year to a better place and today will be his birthday.

Antonio honored being my friend for almost 20 years, he was a talented creative, textile designer, architecht, jewelry designer and much more, he was an amazing human being, and a great  friend.

Rather to be sad of how much I miss him I decided to be happy and to make it a day of celebration of his life and the time he gave me as my friend.
I started my day by doing my favorite things, walking my dogs and cycling trough the woods in a fantastic warm day in the beauty of dutch nature. Later on I enjoyed lunch in the garden with my beloved husband and my doggies and cat surrounded with flowers.

As part of my love and Antonio's for design and color, 
I created a card which I have shared in social media and encourage everyone to share and to post it in friends wall to express how much we love them and how much we value they are in our lives.
If you want to learn more about Antonio and to see some of the work he created for Indigo-Paris last year visit the 
blog post I made about him.

Join me to the celebration, In loving memory of Antonio, and let's celebrate LIFE!


by Believe creative studio

Monday, July 22, 2013

Global talent search - Journal Cover

After 5 weeks of working on the "Make art that sales" class assignments, I decided  to be part of the Global Talent Search contest organized by the course super teacher and worldwide recognized artist and agent Lilla Rogers and in association with Paperchase, a stationary company with wonderful products..

The assignment was to create a Journal cover with the Playground theme. I didn't thought it twice before focusing in my love for swings.
I decided to work in traditional media and to hand -paint my design due my love to paint and water.
An I gave the final touches with illustrator even some fixes from the finished hand painted piece.
After few weeks in working on this project I am certainly happy with the final result.
This is definitely a journal I would love to own and to write in.
The contest will have a next step, in the first one, 50 designs will be chosen over hundreds and hundreds of submissions.
Wish me luck!
Love x
©2013 Believe creative studio

©2013 Believe creative studio

©2013 Believe creative studio

©2013 Believe creative studio

©2013 Believe creative studio

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A full day of actually doing.... nothing!

After 5 intense weeks of almost full dedication as student of the course "Make art that sells" and  doing lots of projects, going here and there, doing this and that; I realized I wanted and I needed to take a full day off.
Is not that my work requires too much of a physical effort than a mental effort, which is exhausting if you do not stop. I am the kind of person that has lots of things in the mind at the same time, I wake up in the middle of the night solving the color I need to use in my next design, and my creative process origin is in my day to day life, everything I see is a source of inspiration for my design work, meaning I never stop creating. 
I know how does it feel to have a tired body and I know what to do to have some rest, but a tired mind? That is why I decided to take a completely day of doing nothing and even being in complete silence. Even though I am in a very busy working period with several projects running at the time I though by making a full day stop will benefit me more that keep going.
Although I take free time during the day and have a relaxed life style by not  having a strict schedule, my mental work is 24/7, the reason is that my work is also my hobby and my passion, therefore is quite difficult to actually stop.
I found some interesting articles related to this practice and some other healthy habits for creative people  that I wanted to share with you. 
"The No1 Habit of highly creative people" from zen habits
"The power of doing nothing" from Health and wellness magazine

Do you take free time? What activities you enjoy doing that helps to free your mind? 
I hope you do if not, why you do not try to make a pause even if this represents only one full luxurious hour of doing nothing!

Rosie x

My view: a cherry tree branches in my garden.

Enjoyed flipping one of my favorite magazines.
I started coloring a page in the magazine with no official color rules.

Had a nap in my favorite corner in my garden

Contemplated this spot for a long time

Oh joy!